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Patient Safety

At Apollo Hospitals, patient safety is at the heart of our ability to offer consistent, reliable quality care. That is why, we are committed to taking every possible step to assure your safety. Towards this, we have launched the Patient Safety Declaration which is followed by all our hospitals across the Group.
The Declaration:
- Every hospital shall have a person designated for patient safety.
- Every hospital shall have a Patient Safety Committee with representatives from medical services, nursing, engineering, housekeeping, pharmacy and infection control that shall meet every quarter.
- Every hospital shall train all its employees on patient safety issues.
- Every hospital shall educate its patients on patient safety issues.
- Every hospital shall have a policy and implemented system on reporting of adverse events within the organization.
- Every hospital shall collect rates for the following patient safety indices:
- Hospital acquired infections
- Patient fall
- Pressure ulcer
- Needle stick injuries
- Medication errors
As we know that the best outcomes occur when everyone is involved in patient safety, we believe that all hospitals shall join hands to form a National Patient Safety Network for sharing of the best practices in patient safety. Every hospital shall endeavour to prevent the ‘Never Events’ listed by the National Quality Forum.
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